Post by mosheli on Jul 29, 2020 23:09:45 GMT -8
(part 1.)
The biblical story of Joseph the son of Jacob in Egypt is well known to probably most everyone.
There have been many scholarly theories about which dynasty of ancient Egypt Joseph was in. Conventional scholars place him under the Hyksos (15th/16th dynasty). Rohl places him in the (11th-)12th dynasty. Moller & Wyatt place him in the 3rd dynasty.
Whatever dynasty Joseph was in Egypt during we should be able to find proof by finding Joseph himself.
Genesis in the Bible says that Pharoah called Joseph Zaphenath-paneah. Has anyone found such a named person in ancient Egyptian dynastic history (in a time as early in overall Egyptian history as Joseph is in overall biblical history)? Below we list the main extant hitherto theories about the name Zaphenath-paneah.
Versions of the biblical name:
Zaphenenath / Zap(h)(e)nat(h)-pa('a)nea(k)h / Zaf'en-ath_pan-ay'ah / / Zaf'uh-nath-puh-nee'uh / Z/s-p-n(-t(_p-'-n-h) / Sapenat_pa'(e)ne(c)ha / Safnatpa'neah / Ts(o)phnath-Pa'neach / Tsaph(e)nat(h)_pa'ne(a)ch(a) / Thafneos (Gildas), or (P)so(n)th(om)-phan((t)e)ch(os)/pane(a)ch (Septuagint, Josephus).
Theoretical original Egyptian (or Hebrew) renderings of the name:
Zat-en-aph / Zat(h)nap(h), Za-p-u-nt-p-a-anch / Za-pa-v-nt-pa-aa-ankh(u), Zoph-ent-pa-ankh(u), or Tsaphan/spn/sapan/zdphan/zaphan-paneach, or Sapirnatayuvf(n)anah, S-h-p-y-n-t-p-c-n-h, Sapneteph_onh, S-t-n-p_p-'-n-h, Se(d)-p-nute(r)-ef-onh, or D'fnt / T'f(n(t)) / T'd/T'f(a) + (m)nt/p(-)nutr / T'f-nt-pankh(u), Tchef(u)/Tchofneterp'anch(i), or Djed-pa-netjer-iw.f-ankh(u) / Ddp3ntriw.f'nh / Ddp3ntriwf-anh / Ddp3ntrfanh / D(d)-p'-nt(r)-iw.f-'nh / Dje(d)pa_nute(r)_('e)(f-')ankh(u) / D(ja)d(u)-naf_((')i)p(i)-(a)n(k)h(u) / ipu / Dd-n.f_'ip'ankh' / Djad_tu-naf / Djat-naf / Djed((u)-)en-efpa'anakh, Dafenenas / Dafelelas? or Gd-dn(-iw.f-'nh) / Gd-ipt-nt-iw.f-'nh / Gd-p3-ntr-iw.f-'nh, or Pssw/sh-nty/ntt-m-pnq / Psswntwmpnq, Psotm_peneh.
Theoretical meanings of the name in Egyptian or Hebrew:
"(the/a) expounder/revealer/discoverer of (godly) secrets", "a finder of (godly) mysteries", "the man to who mysteries/secrets are revealed", "one who reveals mysteries", "he who explains hidden things", "cover-uncover", "to hide(, treasure, store up, secret) + to (decipher, solve, decode,) interpret", "stored beautiful rest", "the one who has godlike wisdom", "the arbitrator/judge whose position is to pay/dole out provision", "my provision is god", "the provider of food by the living God", "(the) god speaks, [and] he lives", "... is alive, the life", "he/she who is called Anakh/life", "governor of the district of (the (place of) life/living one", "sustainer of life", "bread giver of life", "the one who furnishes the nourishment of life", "the one who furnishes the sustenance of the land", "the nourisher of the 2 lands", "saviour/preserver of the age/world", "salvation of the age", "healer of the world", "a fruitful vine", "the powerful governor of Egypt", "eternity, eternal", or "... Neith ..."?
The thing with most all of these theories is that they have not found any so named person matching Joseph in Egyptian history (or those few suggested matches of a few are pretty weak).
About 10 years ago we conducted our own search for which dynasty Joseph was in Egypt during. We searched all through dynastic Egyptian history and found that the only time that seems to best fit was around about the 3rd dynasty of Egypt. No other time seemed to fit as well. In the 3rd-4th dynasty period we found a number of seeming matches evidences that seem to confirm this Joseph placement. Finally some years ago now we also seemingly found a match for Zaphenath-paneah/Joseph himself. We noticed that the name and some details of "pharaoh/king" Sekhem(k)het of the 3rd dynasty seem to match the name and some details of Zaphenath(-paneah). In recent years we came to doubt this match though, but lately we again studied this possible match and we have again come to think & feel that this match seemingly surely must be right.
Names match:
First let us compare versions of the two names to show that the names surely are pretty similar.
Tsaph(e)nat(h) /
Sekhem(k)het /
Se(s)chemchet /
"Szehemhet" /
(The 2nd part of Joseph's name Paneah is often supposed to be p-ankh, and it might match the ankh in Sekhemhet's other name Djoserty-ankh? Or the alternative Puh-nee'uh rendering of Paneah is possibly similar to the name of Sekhemhet's successor Huni/Huny?)
The a & e definitely can interchange. (Modern Egyptologists favour spelling names with e e.g. Re, Aten, Amen.) The n & m can interchange in/between some languages. The Hebrew ts/s/z or (p)s could match the Egyptian s/sz. (The s in Sekhemhet is represented by the folded cloth glyph and the letter was "originally unvoiced".) The final t(h) & t match. The second (k)h in Sekhem(k)het could be omitted/lost in Hebrew. Hyphen in same place in both names. The only more challenging match is the p(h)/f' & kh/h/ch in the middle, but in studying all the variant renderings of Zaphenath this does seem possible. (The 24 consonant Egyptian alphabet is at least uncertain what Hebrew y and f/ph would be in old kingdom Egyptian.)
An Egyptologist tried to trash the names match by claiming that the phonetic letters of the two names couldn't match. But when we look at the list of all the theoretical original Egyptian renderings of the name Zaphenath-paneah we see that there are many different "expert" theoretical renderings, and there is also no such named person matching Joseph in early Egyptian history.
Possible examples of Egyptian s matching Semitic ts/s/z:
Egy ser "rock"
Heb tzur/zur "rock" (Sadhe)
Egy sekh "liquid"
Heb tzuq "to pour or make liquid" (Sadhe)
Egy sua "to cry aloud, sing"
Heb tzuch "to cry out, joyful exclamation" (Sadhe)
Egy suha "to set up, erect"
Heb tzuh "to set up, constitute" (Tsade)
Egy seb "reptile"
Heb tzb "lizard" (tsade)
Egy sab "wolf, jackal"
Heb zab/zeeb "wolf" (but its zayin not tsade).
Heb tzboim "hyenas" (tsade)
Bab zibu "wolf"
Egy seb "star"?
Heb tzabaoth/sabaoth "hosts" (tsade)
zaba "starry host"
tzba "as a star" (tsade)
Egy sep "to turn, a turn"
Heb tzpr "to go in a circle, to turn, turn, turns" (sadhe)?
Egy sa "pass away"
Heb tzah "to go out" (sadhe)?
Egy sah "hinder part"
Heb zephon/saponi "north"
Heb zephan "secret"
sapan/zaphan "to hide, store up"
Saophis Comates "trafficker, getter"
So-khem/Sekhem/Sehem/khem "secret shrine"?
Egy ser "serpent, camelopard"
Ass/Akk tsir/sir "serpent"
Egy ser/tser "extend, elongate"
Ass/Akk tsiri "long, length
Egy smay "companion", zma "associate", s(e)ma "to join/unite"
Arab zamil "companion, fellow"
Egy sunt "to found"
Ass/Akk zunuti "foundation"?
Egy su "the body"
Ass/Akk zu/su "body"
Egy sema "encircle"
Ass zimu "circle, ring"
Egy sekaru "tower, fort"?
Ass ziggur(r)at "tower"
Egy ser "the ideographic arm"
Ass zaru "arms?"
Egy sart "to sow seed",
Akk zer "seed", Ass ziru "corn seed"
Egy Sekha "to remember, memory"
Heb zacc(h)ur "mindful"
Heb Zacher "memorial"
Heb zachariah "remembered"
Heb zichri "remembered, famous"
Ass zacaru "to record, to remember"
Egy su "papyrus"
Ass/Akk zu "parchment for writing?"
Egy se-Ra/sa-Re "son of the sun"
Heb zarah "sunrise"
Heb zerah "dawn"
Arab zarah "dawn"
Egy set "aromatic"
Heb ziz "a flower"
The biblical story of Joseph the son of Jacob in Egypt is well known to probably most everyone.
There have been many scholarly theories about which dynasty of ancient Egypt Joseph was in. Conventional scholars place him under the Hyksos (15th/16th dynasty). Rohl places him in the (11th-)12th dynasty. Moller & Wyatt place him in the 3rd dynasty.
Whatever dynasty Joseph was in Egypt during we should be able to find proof by finding Joseph himself.
Genesis in the Bible says that Pharoah called Joseph Zaphenath-paneah. Has anyone found such a named person in ancient Egyptian dynastic history (in a time as early in overall Egyptian history as Joseph is in overall biblical history)? Below we list the main extant hitherto theories about the name Zaphenath-paneah.
Versions of the biblical name:
Zaphenenath / Zap(h)(e)nat(h)-pa('a)nea(k)h / Zaf'en-ath_pan-ay'ah / / Zaf'uh-nath-puh-nee'uh / Z/s-p-n(-t(_p-'-n-h) / Sapenat_pa'(e)ne(c)ha / Safnatpa'neah / Ts(o)phnath-Pa'neach / Tsaph(e)nat(h)_pa'ne(a)ch(a) / Thafneos (Gildas), or (P)so(n)th(om)-phan((t)e)ch(os)/pane(a)ch (Septuagint, Josephus).
Theoretical original Egyptian (or Hebrew) renderings of the name:
Zat-en-aph / Zat(h)nap(h), Za-p-u-nt-p-a-anch / Za-pa-v-nt-pa-aa-ankh(u), Zoph-ent-pa-ankh(u), or Tsaphan/spn/sapan/zdphan/zaphan-paneach, or Sapirnatayuvf(n)anah, S-h-p-y-n-t-p-c-n-h, Sapneteph_onh, S-t-n-p_p-'-n-h, Se(d)-p-nute(r)-ef-onh, or D'fnt / T'f(n(t)) / T'd/T'f(a) + (m)nt/p(-)nutr / T'f-nt-pankh(u), Tchef(u)/Tchofneterp'anch(i), or Djed-pa-netjer-iw.f-ankh(u) / Ddp3ntriw.f'nh / Ddp3ntriwf-anh / Ddp3ntrfanh / D(d)-p'-nt(r)-iw.f-'nh / Dje(d)pa_nute(r)_('e)(f-')ankh(u) / D(ja)d(u)-naf_((')i)p(i)-(a)n(k)h(u) / ipu / Dd-n.f_'ip'ankh' / Djad_tu-naf / Djat-naf / Djed((u)-)en-efpa'anakh, Dafenenas / Dafelelas? or Gd-dn(-iw.f-'nh) / Gd-ipt-nt-iw.f-'nh / Gd-p3-ntr-iw.f-'nh, or Pssw/sh-nty/ntt-m-pnq / Psswntwmpnq, Psotm_peneh.
Theoretical meanings of the name in Egyptian or Hebrew:
"(the/a) expounder/revealer/discoverer of (godly) secrets", "a finder of (godly) mysteries", "the man to who mysteries/secrets are revealed", "one who reveals mysteries", "he who explains hidden things", "cover-uncover", "to hide(, treasure, store up, secret) + to (decipher, solve, decode,) interpret", "stored beautiful rest", "the one who has godlike wisdom", "the arbitrator/judge whose position is to pay/dole out provision", "my provision is god", "the provider of food by the living God", "(the) god speaks, [and] he lives", "... is alive, the life", "he/she who is called Anakh/life", "governor of the district of (the (place of) life/living one", "sustainer of life", "bread giver of life", "the one who furnishes the nourishment of life", "the one who furnishes the sustenance of the land", "the nourisher of the 2 lands", "saviour/preserver of the age/world", "salvation of the age", "healer of the world", "a fruitful vine", "the powerful governor of Egypt", "eternity, eternal", or "... Neith ..."?
The thing with most all of these theories is that they have not found any so named person matching Joseph in Egyptian history (or those few suggested matches of a few are pretty weak).
About 10 years ago we conducted our own search for which dynasty Joseph was in Egypt during. We searched all through dynastic Egyptian history and found that the only time that seems to best fit was around about the 3rd dynasty of Egypt. No other time seemed to fit as well. In the 3rd-4th dynasty period we found a number of seeming matches evidences that seem to confirm this Joseph placement. Finally some years ago now we also seemingly found a match for Zaphenath-paneah/Joseph himself. We noticed that the name and some details of "pharaoh/king" Sekhem(k)het of the 3rd dynasty seem to match the name and some details of Zaphenath(-paneah). In recent years we came to doubt this match though, but lately we again studied this possible match and we have again come to think & feel that this match seemingly surely must be right.
Names match:
First let us compare versions of the two names to show that the names surely are pretty similar.
Tsaph(e)nat(h) /
Sekhem(k)het /
Se(s)chemchet /
"Szehemhet" /
(The 2nd part of Joseph's name Paneah is often supposed to be p-ankh, and it might match the ankh in Sekhemhet's other name Djoserty-ankh? Or the alternative Puh-nee'uh rendering of Paneah is possibly similar to the name of Sekhemhet's successor Huni/Huny?)
The a & e definitely can interchange. (Modern Egyptologists favour spelling names with e e.g. Re, Aten, Amen.) The n & m can interchange in/between some languages. The Hebrew ts/s/z or (p)s could match the Egyptian s/sz. (The s in Sekhemhet is represented by the folded cloth glyph and the letter was "originally unvoiced".) The final t(h) & t match. The second (k)h in Sekhem(k)het could be omitted/lost in Hebrew. Hyphen in same place in both names. The only more challenging match is the p(h)/f' & kh/h/ch in the middle, but in studying all the variant renderings of Zaphenath this does seem possible. (The 24 consonant Egyptian alphabet is at least uncertain what Hebrew y and f/ph would be in old kingdom Egyptian.)
An Egyptologist tried to trash the names match by claiming that the phonetic letters of the two names couldn't match. But when we look at the list of all the theoretical original Egyptian renderings of the name Zaphenath-paneah we see that there are many different "expert" theoretical renderings, and there is also no such named person matching Joseph in early Egyptian history.
Possible examples of Egyptian s matching Semitic ts/s/z:
Egy ser "rock"
Heb tzur/zur "rock" (Sadhe)
Egy sekh "liquid"
Heb tzuq "to pour or make liquid" (Sadhe)
Egy sua "to cry aloud, sing"
Heb tzuch "to cry out, joyful exclamation" (Sadhe)
Egy suha "to set up, erect"
Heb tzuh "to set up, constitute" (Tsade)
Egy seb "reptile"
Heb tzb "lizard" (tsade)
Egy sab "wolf, jackal"
Heb zab/zeeb "wolf" (but its zayin not tsade).
Heb tzboim "hyenas" (tsade)
Bab zibu "wolf"
Egy seb "star"?
Heb tzabaoth/sabaoth "hosts" (tsade)
zaba "starry host"
tzba "as a star" (tsade)
Egy sep "to turn, a turn"
Heb tzpr "to go in a circle, to turn, turn, turns" (sadhe)?
Egy sa "pass away"
Heb tzah "to go out" (sadhe)?
Egy sah "hinder part"
Heb zephon/saponi "north"
Heb zephan "secret"
sapan/zaphan "to hide, store up"
Saophis Comates "trafficker, getter"
So-khem/Sekhem/Sehem/khem "secret shrine"?
Egy ser "serpent, camelopard"
Ass/Akk tsir/sir "serpent"
Egy ser/tser "extend, elongate"
Ass/Akk tsiri "long, length
Egy smay "companion", zma "associate", s(e)ma "to join/unite"
Arab zamil "companion, fellow"
Egy sunt "to found"
Ass/Akk zunuti "foundation"?
Egy su "the body"
Ass/Akk zu/su "body"
Egy sema "encircle"
Ass zimu "circle, ring"
Egy sekaru "tower, fort"?
Ass ziggur(r)at "tower"
Egy ser "the ideographic arm"
Ass zaru "arms?"
Egy sart "to sow seed",
Akk zer "seed", Ass ziru "corn seed"
Egy Sekha "to remember, memory"
Heb zacc(h)ur "mindful"
Heb Zacher "memorial"
Heb zachariah "remembered"
Heb zichri "remembered, famous"
Ass zacaru "to record, to remember"
Egy su "papyrus"
Ass/Akk zu "parchment for writing?"
Egy se-Ra/sa-Re "son of the sun"
Heb zarah "sunrise"
Heb zerah "dawn"
Arab zarah "dawn"
Egy set "aromatic"
Heb ziz "a flower"