Post by Ben Avraham on May 15, 2015 19:28:50 GMT -8
PARSHA "B'CHUKOTAI" (In my statutes)
LEV 26:3- 27:34 JEREMIAH 16:19-17:14 2 COR 6:14-18
Shabbat shalom to all, this week we look at "In my statutes" and what we see YHVH saying is
"If you obey...............then I'll..........." these are all conditional rewards and in the negative sense, curses, for obedience to HIS mitzvoth. This a very much apart from the salvation issue
We can see the result today, in every day life. When we obey HIS Word, and put it into use, and show our love to YHVH through obedience, then, his promises take affect. When we love our neighbor like we love HaShem, his blessings take affect.
The first promise is that of rain; "I will give you your rains in their due season" always with the "if" clause. We are coming up into the time of Shavuot next week, and it reminds us of the promise of rain. There we the former rains, and the latter rains. The former rains were heavy downpours which broke up the dry land, and the latter rains caused the crops to grow to maturity. The promises of Adonai were directly proportionate to the type of life Am Yisrael led. They were an agricultural and livestock society, so, the blessings revolved around those,
When we look at ourselves in light of the promises, we are a working society, job holders, property owners or renters, our lives do not revolve around farms or livestock, with of course, exception to ranchers and farmers, so, we receive blessings in accordance to those things that are around us, One of the best blessings he says is: (vs 12) "I will walk among you and will be your God and you shall be my people"
We can see common sense in this, if the commandment states; "stop on the red" and we do, we receive a blessing knowing that we have obeyed the law of the land, which is expected. if we don't stop, then we can expect a curse to follow, a ticket, or worse, a crash.
YHVH also states, IF you DON'T obey my commandments/statues...........THEN....." We see that G-d means what he says, curses will follow, when we follow the footsteps of Israel, we see that they did NOT walk in the ways, but turned aside in disobedience, Yes, they were punished, cast out of the land, but NEVER did YHVH disown his people, A father can punish his children, but a father will NEVER be able to say YOU ARE NOT MY SON/DAUGHTER.
One of the results of disobedience, was that Israel was cast out of the land, sold into slavery to Babylon, then Rome sent them out, they ended up in many different countries, yet they continued to be G-d chosen, they went into idol worshiping goyim, yet they brought with them the worship of the ONE true G-d "Adonai-Elohim-Yeshua" the "3" yet ONE as ECHAD, they became the branches of Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Falashim, we can all trace our ancestry to one of those, We ask, "why the holocaust?" Why the inquisition? did Adonai forget his people? the answer is NO, He was right there, weeping, but scripture had to be fulfilled...."and you shall have no power to stand before your enemies, you shall perish among the nations and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.....(26:38) BUT...if they CONFESS INIQUITY, BE HUMBLED, ACCEPT THEIR GUILT.....THEN... I will remember.....we see that everything is conditional. Isn't it the same way with our earthly fathers and mothers? if we TESHUVAH our hearts, then, we will receive forgiveness. (Teshuvah = change of mind and heart, to walk the right way instead of the wrong way)
We see that YHVH has brought Israel back into the land. I have promised HaShem that I will do my part and my duty to serve Israel through the IDF, (Israel Defense Forces) as a volunteer because Israel has a right to exist, as the chosen nation, this should be something that every believer should try to do at least once in their lifetime, (my opinion) speaking as a veteran of the US Army (Once a soldier always a soldier, Hoo-Yahh) and this will happen in a few weeks, May YHVH supply my needs there in the land! We just celebrated May 14th, when Israel was proclaimed a nation once again, in one single day! just as we display the American flag on July 4th, we should display the Israeli flag on May 14th, as Israel is also our nation.
chapter 27 talks about dedicating things to the LORD, If we dedicate House, children, car, money, possessions to the LORD, then we should use them for JUST THAT, and not defile them with mundane, unholy things.
JEREMIAH 16:19-17:14.
The prophet starts out with; "O LORD my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the gentiles shall come to you from the ends of the earth and say, "surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthless, and unprofitable things". and so true this is, the false religions of the world which worship false gods, even in Christianity, there are pagan beliefs that have infiltrated the churches, and many have taken these beliefs/practices into their worship and rites; Christmas, Easter egg coloring, Easter bunny, Halloween disguised as "fall festival" eating of un kosher foods, the changing of the Sabbath to "Sunday" (I will probably be eaten alive after sending this parsha out to the different forum sites)
We need to get back to the basic of , What has the author said? what HE says IS, and WILL BE. "I will cause them to know my hand and my might, and they shall know that my name is YHVH" (16:21) When we look at the ancient Hebrew letters, the shortened name YAH, means "BEHOLD "h" the HAND (y) (of the LORD)
" I will dwell in them and walk among them, I will be their God and they shall be My people"
and the Ruach HaKodesh does live IN us, and we ARE HIS people, we have joined the olive tree and are part of it according to the promises...BUT....we must COME OUT from among the lost, the ungodly, and not have anything to do with their life style and practices, YES, we should try and reach the lost with the gospel of Yeshua, as sons and daughters of YHVH, we have the responsibility to show G-d's love through words and deeds, and thus, bring the lost out of darkness into the light
Shabbat shalom.............rabbi Ben Avraham