Post by Ben Avraham on Jan 8, 2015 20:26:18 GMT -8
EXODUS 1:1-6:1 , ISAIAH 27:6-28:13, ACTS 7:17-29
We open the to the second book, "Shemot" (names) it starts with the family of Jacob who went to sojourn in Egypt, with 70 original immigrants, we now see a population explosion. HaShem has kept his Word, He would multiply the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like the stars of Heaven and as the dust of the earth. They would "shine" as the givers and teachers of the of YHVH yet would be trampled upon and crushed like the "dust of the earth" yet all things eventually break down and become part of the "dust of the earth" don't they?
We see the first paranoid king, Pharaoh of Egypt, who "feared" the Israelites, remember that the name "pharaoh" is not really a name, it is a title. Some believe that the paranoid pharaoh was "Ahmose" says that "he knew not Joseph"
and that they (the Israelites) were "mightier than we" meaning probably that they were more numerous in population, not that they were militarily stronger. How did the pharaoh "know not Joseph?" perhaps he did not "recognize" the accomplishments of Joseph, which, by that time, happened a few hundred years prior, kind of "Joe died and that's that"
We could also see that "Joseph" in his time had served his master, the pharaoh at that time, could have been "Senoset" and had "bought" all of Egypt for him, so as to say, "enslaved" the Egyptians to Pharaoh, even though not so literally, we could say "indebted" to Pharaoh, now, the worm has turned, Ahmose will get even, now HE will enslave the Israelites. But YHVH sees all and calls his man, "Moses" into action.
We jump ahead and see Moshe as he lives his life, one could divide his life in three parts, 40 years as prince of Egypt and perhaps a military officer in the Egyptian army, the next 40 years as a fugitive, yet a "chosen leader in training" caring for Jethro's sheep, knowing the wilderness, getting ready to lead YHVH's sheep which have one big attitude, into that same wilderness, to form a chosen and Holy nation, from slaves, to an organized people, of which we are all part of as believers in Messiah Yeshua.
Now comes the revelation, he meets YHVH as fire in a bush. We do not know what kind of bush it was, but it burned and was not consumed, We can look at it this way too, Israel is the "Olive tree" which has gone through fiery trials and yet has survived. Fire gives light, warmth, it also destroys, and it purifies, Through HIS , HE gives us light and wisdom, comfort through the Ruach HaKodesh, and purifies us as the Bride of the LAMB. He introduces himself, "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" translated can mean I AM who I AM, and also I WILL BE who I WILL BE, from the Hebrew verb "Hayah" which means "to be/exist" from this name, we get the most sacred name Y H V H We can see the letters Y H in this name, and if we put a V (vav) as a connector, because the letter V (vav) serves to "join an idea" like the word "and" we get the other "H" (that's one way to explain the "vav" also, the word "Ehyeh" has four letters; Alef, Hey, yod, Hey. If we get into "Sod" and a bit into Gematria, we can see that we can add up the numerical value as "16" then when we add together 1 + 6 we get 7, the perfect number, looking at the ancient Hebrew letters, it could symbolize "Alef" = strength
"hey" = behold "yod"= to make, do a deed, action, the arm, "hey"= behold, (behold the strong almighty God behold his works, and deeds)
Moses is chosen and has been commanded to "return to Egypt" to lead the people out, a big task, but Moe doesn't want the job, "No, LORD, not me, get someone else!" But YHVH has made up his mind, How many times has God chosen people to do certain things and those people have refused, what a loss of blessings! well, if one will not accept the job, the LORD has others, I hope you NEVER refuse a job, assignment, task, ministry, which the LORD has asked you to do, and when HE does, he will equip you to do the job, as he equipped Moses.
ISAIAH 27:6-28:13
"In the days to come, Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and sprout and they will fill the whole world with fruit"
What a prophecy! and it has come to pass, that Jacob/Israel has taken root, once more, after being cast out of the land, return to take root in 1948, and the whole world is full of Israel's fruit, both literally and bodily, Israel produces many kinds of fruit from fruit tress, olive oil, and the "human" fruit is all over the world, bringing the Jewish culture, the belief in ONE God to all, through the different peoples of Abraham, (Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Falashim, Romaniote, ) to mention a few.
ACTS 7:17-29
We see this same story being told by Stephen, and it is interesting that we can remember the expression "what goes around comes around" the Egyptians killed and threw into the water (the Nile) the first born of the Israelites, years later, The first born of the Egyptians were killed, and the Egyptian soldiers thrown into the water (The Red Sea). Be careful how you treat people, what goes around will come around, whatever you sow, you shall also reap.
SHALOM.....................Rabbi Jacob Ben Avraham