Shalom everyone!
I felt led to write some of my thoughts down last night and thought I would share.
With Pesach week here it is always important to learn what it is that Hashem is going to reveal to you through this feast. In our spiritual battles to separate ourselves from Egypt we are always expecting the removal of leaven from our homes. This is a surface level but dive deeper within the true spiritual aspects of what that means and we are left with the removal of leaven within our own bodies (The Spiritual housing so to speak) But again that is still somewhat on a surface level.
Like water the deeper you dive the more pressure you feel upon your body, the more you feel your ears press in and your head begins to burn as the oxygen is compressed within your body.
Now as we think about how this relates to
Some may know but you can slowly train your body by taking small dives to help get yourself ready for the pressure. This is an acclimating process.
Hashem does not give us more than we can handle.
He allows us to take small dives for our bodies to acclimate to the conditions.
As we can deal more and more with the pressure the more Hashem will allow us to dive deeper.
This is a spiritual dive that brings us within the depths of our purpose to worship Hashem.
The depths of our Souls, which in Hebrew is Neshama, this is closely connected to the word Nesheema which literally means “Breath”.
So the more we have the Ruach (Spirit) being Breathed within our Neshama we are able to withstand the pressure of the depths. This allows a deeper understanding of
So this is what brings all of Israel together, we must all take the faith to walk through the separated sea or return back to Egypt. The choice is for each one to make.
Not all of Israel chose to walk out of Egypt forfeiting their place in history.
All of Israel who held onto the promises walked through the separated sea.
As many walked in-between the walls of water they could feel the pressure of the water with every step but the more and more they walked the easier the steps would be.
Not everyone was on the same spiritual walk but that did not separate them from the community.
The pressure on the physical flesh would have been just about unbearable for some as they walked through the sea farther and farther from Egypt.
This walk out of Egypt is the same, the farther you walk away from Egypt the easier it becomes to press forward. This is what gives us true Mamesh (Meaning)
has so many layers, may us all be blessed in diving deeper this Pesach week and Da Lifenai Mi Attah Omed (Know before whom you stand)
Blessed be His name for eternity!