Hi Mark,
I looked at the site (second time I've looked at a reference site), primarily because this topic is currently one that fills my time of study. I was surprised they hold to the rapture, but a quick reading showed (what I think to be) contextual error, and thought I'd share them with you. I should say one error, because both are related. (The sub-heading was "The restrainer of 2 Thess. 2)
1)-They confuse the "coming of the Lord and our gathering unto Him" (2:1) with His coming in 1:7 & 8; this is what will not occur until the restrainer is taken out of the way (this is how I read it anyway).
2)-Because of this, they place the rapture as mid-trib.
3)-Michael's standing up taken as to mean he stops ministering to Israel is a little out of keeping with the other references in Daniel about Angelic ministry (this one I will look into some more).
I did want to direct you to a site that is very interesting: Daniels Timeline. Not sure of its exact address, but its easy to find. It discusses a possible timeline for the tribulation.
It seems the timeline is flawed for at least one reason: they did not account for the seventieth week.
They equate the weeks (sevens) into years by viewing the sevens as reference to the feast of weeks. But again, no seventieth week.
Knowing prophecy doesn't always unfold as we think it will, and that they can have multiple fulfillments, I would say their reasoning is not 100% impossible, but at this point, it is speculation.
I thought the timeline could look like this:
Historical fulfillment looks like this:
7 weeks...62 weeks...Messiah is cut off...1week (seventieth)
Their timeline (edited with the last week/year included). Remember, this is just speculation as to how it could be fulfilled if it has a yearly role.
As they started to do, this timeline puts the order of weeks bacwards, and sees them as years, rather than sevens.
1 week/year- 1947 (U.N. Resolution 181 [declaration that Israel be made a state])-1948 (Israel becomes a state).
62 weeks/years-and Messiah is cut off (this could be looked at as Messiah coming to earth and going back to Heaven [rapture]).
This brings the timeline to 2010.
7 weeks/years- the tribulation/great tribulation.
Its speculation, I know, but just think: wouldn't it be glorious if the Lord was so near?
I'm watching for a treaty.
God bless.