Post by mosheli on Nov 21, 2020 1:09:16 GMT -8
I wasn't sure which subforum to put this in as it didn't seem appropriate to post it in the why Yeshua is messiah one, or the one.
This is a list of similarities or correspondences between the Ark and Yeshua, which is the reason why I think that the Ark of the Covenant seems to be a symbol of Yeshua/Jesus. If you think it is not right or if you see any incorrect bits in the piece then do post corrections.
Ark: is a box/chest, there were directions to make it.
Yeshua/Jesus: is a human vessel, conceived by holy spirit after angel's directions, "a body you have prepared for me".
Ark: the ark (and/or the grail) is identified by some with Mary who was called "Ark" in some sources. The ark "contained a hexagram representing the sexual union of God and Goddess". The golden ark in holy of holies "symbolised the localised presence of God on earth".
Yeshua/Jesus: conceived by the holy spirit in virgin Mary. Emmanuel "God with us". The "only begotten" "son of (the most high) God".
"No one has see God but the son". "He who has seen me has seen the Father". *
Ark: Joshua and ark pass through the Jordan river.
Yeshua/Jesus: was baptised in the Jordan.
Ark: ritual washing before approaching it.
Yeshua/Jesus: John's baptism for repentance before Yeshua/Jesus.
Ark: for tabernacle use, brought into temple by Solomon.
Yeshua/Jesus: was in the temple a number of times.
Became our (great) high priest when died on cross. Temple curtain torn when Yeshua/Jesus died. "The time will come when people will not worship here or in Jerusalem but will worship wherever in spirit and truth". Our body is the temple of the holy spirit.
Ark: Ark of the covenant (brit/berit?)
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth, a Nazarene or Nazirite "consecrated" or Nozrei ha-Brit "Keepers of the Convenant". The New covenant/testament.
Ark: contained pot of manna
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus implied that he was "the true bread from heaven". Communion bread & wine.
Ark: was in the house of Obed-Edom "servant of Edom/Adam" (Edom/Adam means "red" or "earth" or "man").
Yeshua/Jesus: was in realm of Herod who was Idumean/Edomite.
Yeshua/Jesus via David had an ancestor named Obed.
Yeshua/Jesus came to serve, the suffering servant.
Yeshua/Jesus is the "son of man", and the "new/second/last Adam".
Yeshua/Jesus is the son of David who was "ruddy/red".
Yeshua/Jesus spoke Aramaic (connected with Adam by d/r interchange).
In the second coming Yeshua/Jesus comes from Teman/Bozrah in Edom in one biblical end times prophecy.
Ark: "heavily guarded".
Yeshua/Jesus: angels protected him. Disciples protected him.
Ark: "sacred object"
Yeshua/Jesus: holy, annointed, lamb with no blemish/sin, worthy.
Ark: of such sanctity that unauthorized person touching it is an infraction.
Yeshua/Jesus: "holy", son of god.
Ark: "power"
Yeshua/Jesus: power(ful).
Ark: returned to Kiriath-jearim
Yeshua/Jesus: Nazareth? Capernaum? Emmaus? Bethlehem? Jerusalem? Resurrection?
Ark: kept at Shiloh.
Yeshua/Jesus: identified as the messiah and as Shiloh of "until Shiloh comes", prince/king of peace (Shalem/Shalom).
Ark: captured by Philistines "strangers"
Yeshua/Jesus: Jews betrayed him to Romans
Ark: taken to Jerusalem.
Yeshua/Jesus: set face to go to Jerusalem. Is in the New Jerusalem.
Ark: word aron "ark" also means "coffin".
Yeshua/Jesus: lamb of God who died on cross.
Ark: nothing known of its later history; is in temple in heaven in Revelation.
Yeshua/Jesus: resurrected Yeshua/Jesus only revealed to the disciples, ascended to heaven, seated at right hand of God, our high priest, in our hearts (body is temple).
Ark: Koran says ark is "a sign of his kingship" and "a sign for you".
Yeshua/Jesus: king of the Jews, King of Kings, sign of Jonah.
Ark: called "ark of God", "ark of the lord"
Yeshua/Jesus: called "lord", "son of God", "lamb of God", "angel of the lord"
Ark: word for ark in Hebrew is aron or arek, while in gentile it is kibotos or cistae.
Yeshua/Jesus: Christ & Christian(s)?
Ark: The rod of Aaron (who was high priest) was inside the ark. "Ark" is 'aron' in Hebrew. Aaron means either "lofty, exalted, mountaineer" or "(a) light, enlightener" or an uncertain Egyptian origin.
Yeshua/Jesus: is our (great) high priest.
Yeshua/Jesus is the light.
Ark: contained Aaron's rod that budded.
Yeshua/Jesus: is called "sprout/shoot/branch" in the prophets. Is our high priest. Corresponds with high priest Jeshua in Haggai/Zechariah.
Yeshua/Jesus has a rod of iron in Revelation.
Ark: contained 2 or 3 items (tablets of law, jar of manna, & Aarons rod?).
Yeshua/Jesus: 3 offices (king, priest, prophet)? Trinity? "I am the way, the truth and the life"? Loaves & fishes?
Ark: organ through which God spoke.
Yeshua/Jesus: Newton etc saw Yeshua/Jesus as interpreter. Called the Word (of God) in John.
Ark: may have decayed over centuries/millenia?
Yeshua/Jesus: christianity/church decayed over millenia?
Ark: "Jewish fear of discovery".
Yeshua/Jesus: Jews have been pretty anti-Yeshua/Jesus. Jews driven to jealousy (Paul).
Ark: "unthinkable of excavating [for the ark] until the messiah comes".
Yeshua/Jesus: is the messiah. The ark is symbol of him.
Ark: recovered from Philistines.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus was cricified by Romans, but he rose again. Christianity has mainly been gentiles/Romans between the destruction of Jerusalem and the end times when a remnant third of Jews will be saved.
Ark: Babylonian conquest.
Yeshua/Jesus: Roman invasion.
Ark: carried by sons of Levi on wilderness wanderings (for 40 yrs).
Yeshua/Jesus: 40 days of temptation/fasting in wilderness.
(Yeshua/Jesus might have died at 40 years old?)
We carry Yeshua/Jesus around with us in our heart everywhere we go.
Ark: rings on side for poles for carrying, transportable, transported on ox-cart, placed in tabernacle tent.
Yeshua/Jesus: rode on colt/ass, carried his cross, bore our sin/sins/sickness. Yeshua/Jesus/God carried around in our hearts, our bodies are tabernacles & temples of the holy spirit.
Ark: stone tablet/tablets of law inside.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus kept the Mosaic law/commandments, fulfilled the law after he died on the cross, he is the Word (which includes to /Law). In the Bible skip code the name Yeshua is found in and"points to Leviticus / the Law". "The interpreter of the law" in the Dead Sea Scrolls. "The law will go forth from Zion" (Davids city)? The law is written in Messianic's/Christian's hearts. "He who loves me keeps my commandments". (We are not saved by only trying to keep the law but by dying and raising with him.)
Ark: associated with Mt Sinai/Horeb, and/or Zion/Moriah.
Yeshua/Jesus: associated with Mt Calvary/Golgotha, and Zion. (Paul compared Sinai/Hagar and Calvary/Sarah.)
Sermon on the mount? Mount of the transfiguration?
Ark: Some suggest the ark is the throne of David that the messiah will sit on?
Yeshua/Jesus: is the son of David, king of the Jews. Is the messiah.
Ark: "mercy seat", "to purify, attone", same root word as in yom kipper "day of attonement", connected with blood in Mosaic ritual.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus died for us, symbolised by Abel's sacrifice, "I require mercy not sacrifice", covers/cleanses our sin.
Ron Wyatt claimed that he found that Yeshua/Jesus blood had dripped on the Ark's mercy seat?
The Ark has also been corresponded with the Holy Grail, and there is also a traditional theory that drops of Yeshua/Jesus blood were caught in the grail.
Ark: The ark is a most beautiful golden object. ("Bronze = judgement, Gold = purified".)
Yeshua/Jesus: Although the prophet Isaiah(?) said there was nothing special about Yeshua/Jesus physical appearance, Yeshua/Jesus is the most wonderful thing in the bible.
Stephen in Acts said Moses was a very beautiful/handsome baby/child, and Moses said the Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus) would be a prophet like himself.
Ark: was gold(en) (within and without), is treasure, a most sought for object. ("Bronze = judgement, Gold = purified".)
Yeshua/Jesus: He was sold for 30 pieces of silver. Yeshua/Jesus is the most precious treasure/pearl. "you are poor, but you are rich" (Revelation 2-3).
(He fixes us inside & out.)
Ark: "no more will people say 'the ark'" in Jeremiah 3:16.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus is more precious/wonderful than the ark.
"The time will come when people will not worship here or at Jerusalem but will worship anywhere n spirit and truth."
Ark: Ark carried 7 times around Jericho.
Yeshua/Jesus: 7 seals (Revelation)? 7 churches? 70th week of Daniel?
Ark: compasses Jericho.
Yeshua/Jesus: passed through Jericho. Ministry circuit?
Ark: 2 cherubim on top ("Michael & Lucifer"? 2 cherubim guarding in Eden?)
Yeshua/Jesus: hermaphrodite/androgyne? 2 comings/messiahs? king & priest? Alpha & Omega? full of grace & truth? father & spirit? son & holy spirit? Yeshua/Jesus & John? 2 witnesses Moses & Elijah? Israel & Church? Yeshua/Jesus & Lucifer rivals in some sources? 2 theives/crosses on either side (like the baker and cupbearer in Joseph story)?
Ark: had a cover/lid.
Yeshua/Jesus: annointed?
Ark: Hislop connected the word Archia/Architis with Ruach "spiritual". Arke is also the word for earth(s) in a Jewish legend about Cain? Archons are archangels/aeons in Gnosticism, and in Greek political/state history?
Yeshua/Jesus: had the Ruach "(holy) spirit". Was the 2nd/last Adam (earth man). Angel of the Lord.
Ark: The English word ark also used for Noah's Ark. Wyatt claimed to have found both of the 2 arks.
Yeshua/Jesus: Noah's Flood & Ark is a type of baptism and dying with Christ.
He is in us (like Ark in temple) & we are in him (like Noah's Ark).
Yeshua/Jesus in boat in storm in sea/lake of Galilee.
Ark: The kabod or shekinah (of God) was above the mercy seat. (The Islamic Arabic cognate of Shekinah means peace of reassurance or spirit of tranquility.)
Yeshua/Jesus: The spirit rested on him like a dove. Annointed. "Prince/King of Peace".
Ark: made of acacia/shittim wood, 2 ft wide & 3 ft long.
Yeshua/Jesus: was a Sethite, was a "carpenter". The cross was made of wood, thecross has long trunk & short arms. The tree of life.
(Yeshua/Jesus also symbolised by Noah's Ark which was also made of wood.)
Ark: "symbolised the localised presence of God on earth (in judgment, mercy, forgiveness, and love)".
Yeshua/Jesus: is associated with judgment, mercy, forgiveness, love.
Ark: was in or was the most holy place of the Tabernacle or holy of holies "or place of the three holy ones" of the Temple?
Yeshua/Jesus: is holy.
Body is temple of the holy spirit. Messianics and Christians have God/Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. *
Ark: The Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle contained golden censor and ark of the covenant.
Yeshua/Jesus: Our body is the temple of the holy spirit. We have Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. The golden censer might represent the holy spirit or our prayers?
Ark: Ark and Aaronic high priest in holy of holies of temple/tabenacle in 'Hebrews'. The ark stays in the temple; the high priest comes and goes (and only once a year). The ark was the central object not the high priest?
Yeshua/Jesus: Our body is the temple of the holy spirit. We have Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. Yeshua/Jesus is our (great) hight priest of the order of Melchizedek. Yeshua/Jesus was not of Levite descent but of Judahite descent. We are also "kings and priests". Yeshua/Jesus doesn't leave our hearts.
* Compare/contrast: In Islam the Kaaba stone/rock in the house at Mecca is a bethel "house of God" of Allah/Allat.
This is a list of similarities or correspondences between the Ark and Yeshua, which is the reason why I think that the Ark of the Covenant seems to be a symbol of Yeshua/Jesus. If you think it is not right or if you see any incorrect bits in the piece then do post corrections.
Ark: is a box/chest, there were directions to make it.
Yeshua/Jesus: is a human vessel, conceived by holy spirit after angel's directions, "a body you have prepared for me".
Ark: the ark (and/or the grail) is identified by some with Mary who was called "Ark" in some sources. The ark "contained a hexagram representing the sexual union of God and Goddess". The golden ark in holy of holies "symbolised the localised presence of God on earth".
Yeshua/Jesus: conceived by the holy spirit in virgin Mary. Emmanuel "God with us". The "only begotten" "son of (the most high) God".
"No one has see God but the son". "He who has seen me has seen the Father". *
Ark: Joshua and ark pass through the Jordan river.
Yeshua/Jesus: was baptised in the Jordan.
Ark: ritual washing before approaching it.
Yeshua/Jesus: John's baptism for repentance before Yeshua/Jesus.
Ark: for tabernacle use, brought into temple by Solomon.
Yeshua/Jesus: was in the temple a number of times.
Became our (great) high priest when died on cross. Temple curtain torn when Yeshua/Jesus died. "The time will come when people will not worship here or in Jerusalem but will worship wherever in spirit and truth". Our body is the temple of the holy spirit.
Ark: Ark of the covenant (brit/berit?)
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth, a Nazarene or Nazirite "consecrated" or Nozrei ha-Brit "Keepers of the Convenant". The New covenant/testament.
Ark: contained pot of manna
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus implied that he was "the true bread from heaven". Communion bread & wine.
Ark: was in the house of Obed-Edom "servant of Edom/Adam" (Edom/Adam means "red" or "earth" or "man").
Yeshua/Jesus: was in realm of Herod who was Idumean/Edomite.
Yeshua/Jesus via David had an ancestor named Obed.
Yeshua/Jesus came to serve, the suffering servant.
Yeshua/Jesus is the "son of man", and the "new/second/last Adam".
Yeshua/Jesus is the son of David who was "ruddy/red".
Yeshua/Jesus spoke Aramaic (connected with Adam by d/r interchange).
In the second coming Yeshua/Jesus comes from Teman/Bozrah in Edom in one biblical end times prophecy.
Ark: "heavily guarded".
Yeshua/Jesus: angels protected him. Disciples protected him.
Ark: "sacred object"
Yeshua/Jesus: holy, annointed, lamb with no blemish/sin, worthy.
Ark: of such sanctity that unauthorized person touching it is an infraction.
Yeshua/Jesus: "holy", son of god.
Ark: "power"
Yeshua/Jesus: power(ful).
Ark: returned to Kiriath-jearim
Yeshua/Jesus: Nazareth? Capernaum? Emmaus? Bethlehem? Jerusalem? Resurrection?
Ark: kept at Shiloh.
Yeshua/Jesus: identified as the messiah and as Shiloh of "until Shiloh comes", prince/king of peace (Shalem/Shalom).
Ark: captured by Philistines "strangers"
Yeshua/Jesus: Jews betrayed him to Romans
Ark: taken to Jerusalem.
Yeshua/Jesus: set face to go to Jerusalem. Is in the New Jerusalem.
Ark: word aron "ark" also means "coffin".
Yeshua/Jesus: lamb of God who died on cross.
Ark: nothing known of its later history; is in temple in heaven in Revelation.
Yeshua/Jesus: resurrected Yeshua/Jesus only revealed to the disciples, ascended to heaven, seated at right hand of God, our high priest, in our hearts (body is temple).
Ark: Koran says ark is "a sign of his kingship" and "a sign for you".
Yeshua/Jesus: king of the Jews, King of Kings, sign of Jonah.
Ark: called "ark of God", "ark of the lord"
Yeshua/Jesus: called "lord", "son of God", "lamb of God", "angel of the lord"
Ark: word for ark in Hebrew is aron or arek, while in gentile it is kibotos or cistae.
Yeshua/Jesus: Christ & Christian(s)?
Ark: The rod of Aaron (who was high priest) was inside the ark. "Ark" is 'aron' in Hebrew. Aaron means either "lofty, exalted, mountaineer" or "(a) light, enlightener" or an uncertain Egyptian origin.
Yeshua/Jesus: is our (great) high priest.
Yeshua/Jesus is the light.
Ark: contained Aaron's rod that budded.
Yeshua/Jesus: is called "sprout/shoot/branch" in the prophets. Is our high priest. Corresponds with high priest Jeshua in Haggai/Zechariah.
Yeshua/Jesus has a rod of iron in Revelation.
Ark: contained 2 or 3 items (tablets of law, jar of manna, & Aarons rod?).
Yeshua/Jesus: 3 offices (king, priest, prophet)? Trinity? "I am the way, the truth and the life"? Loaves & fishes?
Ark: organ through which God spoke.
Yeshua/Jesus: Newton etc saw Yeshua/Jesus as interpreter. Called the Word (of God) in John.
Ark: may have decayed over centuries/millenia?
Yeshua/Jesus: christianity/church decayed over millenia?
Ark: "Jewish fear of discovery".
Yeshua/Jesus: Jews have been pretty anti-Yeshua/Jesus. Jews driven to jealousy (Paul).
Ark: "unthinkable of excavating [for the ark] until the messiah comes".
Yeshua/Jesus: is the messiah. The ark is symbol of him.
Ark: recovered from Philistines.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus was cricified by Romans, but he rose again. Christianity has mainly been gentiles/Romans between the destruction of Jerusalem and the end times when a remnant third of Jews will be saved.
Ark: Babylonian conquest.
Yeshua/Jesus: Roman invasion.
Ark: carried by sons of Levi on wilderness wanderings (for 40 yrs).
Yeshua/Jesus: 40 days of temptation/fasting in wilderness.
(Yeshua/Jesus might have died at 40 years old?)
We carry Yeshua/Jesus around with us in our heart everywhere we go.
Ark: rings on side for poles for carrying, transportable, transported on ox-cart, placed in tabernacle tent.
Yeshua/Jesus: rode on colt/ass, carried his cross, bore our sin/sins/sickness. Yeshua/Jesus/God carried around in our hearts, our bodies are tabernacles & temples of the holy spirit.
Ark: stone tablet/tablets of law inside.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus kept the Mosaic law/commandments, fulfilled the law after he died on the cross, he is the Word (which includes to /Law). In the Bible skip code the name Yeshua is found in and"points to Leviticus / the Law". "The interpreter of the law" in the Dead Sea Scrolls. "The law will go forth from Zion" (Davids city)? The law is written in Messianic's/Christian's hearts. "He who loves me keeps my commandments". (We are not saved by only trying to keep the law but by dying and raising with him.)
Ark: associated with Mt Sinai/Horeb, and/or Zion/Moriah.
Yeshua/Jesus: associated with Mt Calvary/Golgotha, and Zion. (Paul compared Sinai/Hagar and Calvary/Sarah.)
Sermon on the mount? Mount of the transfiguration?
Ark: Some suggest the ark is the throne of David that the messiah will sit on?
Yeshua/Jesus: is the son of David, king of the Jews. Is the messiah.
Ark: "mercy seat", "to purify, attone", same root word as in yom kipper "day of attonement", connected with blood in Mosaic ritual.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus died for us, symbolised by Abel's sacrifice, "I require mercy not sacrifice", covers/cleanses our sin.
Ron Wyatt claimed that he found that Yeshua/Jesus blood had dripped on the Ark's mercy seat?
The Ark has also been corresponded with the Holy Grail, and there is also a traditional theory that drops of Yeshua/Jesus blood were caught in the grail.
Ark: The ark is a most beautiful golden object. ("Bronze = judgement, Gold = purified".)
Yeshua/Jesus: Although the prophet Isaiah(?) said there was nothing special about Yeshua/Jesus physical appearance, Yeshua/Jesus is the most wonderful thing in the bible.
Stephen in Acts said Moses was a very beautiful/handsome baby/child, and Moses said the Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus) would be a prophet like himself.
Ark: was gold(en) (within and without), is treasure, a most sought for object. ("Bronze = judgement, Gold = purified".)
Yeshua/Jesus: He was sold for 30 pieces of silver. Yeshua/Jesus is the most precious treasure/pearl. "you are poor, but you are rich" (Revelation 2-3).
(He fixes us inside & out.)
Ark: "no more will people say 'the ark'" in Jeremiah 3:16.
Yeshua/Jesus: Yeshua/Jesus is more precious/wonderful than the ark.
"The time will come when people will not worship here or at Jerusalem but will worship anywhere n spirit and truth."
Ark: Ark carried 7 times around Jericho.
Yeshua/Jesus: 7 seals (Revelation)? 7 churches? 70th week of Daniel?
Ark: compasses Jericho.
Yeshua/Jesus: passed through Jericho. Ministry circuit?
Ark: 2 cherubim on top ("Michael & Lucifer"? 2 cherubim guarding in Eden?)
Yeshua/Jesus: hermaphrodite/androgyne? 2 comings/messiahs? king & priest? Alpha & Omega? full of grace & truth? father & spirit? son & holy spirit? Yeshua/Jesus & John? 2 witnesses Moses & Elijah? Israel & Church? Yeshua/Jesus & Lucifer rivals in some sources? 2 theives/crosses on either side (like the baker and cupbearer in Joseph story)?
Ark: had a cover/lid.
Yeshua/Jesus: annointed?
Ark: Hislop connected the word Archia/Architis with Ruach "spiritual". Arke is also the word for earth(s) in a Jewish legend about Cain? Archons are archangels/aeons in Gnosticism, and in Greek political/state history?
Yeshua/Jesus: had the Ruach "(holy) spirit". Was the 2nd/last Adam (earth man). Angel of the Lord.
Ark: The English word ark also used for Noah's Ark. Wyatt claimed to have found both of the 2 arks.
Yeshua/Jesus: Noah's Flood & Ark is a type of baptism and dying with Christ.
He is in us (like Ark in temple) & we are in him (like Noah's Ark).
Yeshua/Jesus in boat in storm in sea/lake of Galilee.
Ark: The kabod or shekinah (of God) was above the mercy seat. (The Islamic Arabic cognate of Shekinah means peace of reassurance or spirit of tranquility.)
Yeshua/Jesus: The spirit rested on him like a dove. Annointed. "Prince/King of Peace".
Ark: made of acacia/shittim wood, 2 ft wide & 3 ft long.
Yeshua/Jesus: was a Sethite, was a "carpenter". The cross was made of wood, thecross has long trunk & short arms. The tree of life.
(Yeshua/Jesus also symbolised by Noah's Ark which was also made of wood.)
Ark: "symbolised the localised presence of God on earth (in judgment, mercy, forgiveness, and love)".
Yeshua/Jesus: is associated with judgment, mercy, forgiveness, love.
Ark: was in or was the most holy place of the Tabernacle or holy of holies "or place of the three holy ones" of the Temple?
Yeshua/Jesus: is holy.
Body is temple of the holy spirit. Messianics and Christians have God/Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. *
Ark: The Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle contained golden censor and ark of the covenant.
Yeshua/Jesus: Our body is the temple of the holy spirit. We have Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. The golden censer might represent the holy spirit or our prayers?
Ark: Ark and Aaronic high priest in holy of holies of temple/tabenacle in 'Hebrews'. The ark stays in the temple; the high priest comes and goes (and only once a year). The ark was the central object not the high priest?
Yeshua/Jesus: Our body is the temple of the holy spirit. We have Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts. Yeshua/Jesus is our (great) hight priest of the order of Melchizedek. Yeshua/Jesus was not of Levite descent but of Judahite descent. We are also "kings and priests". Yeshua/Jesus doesn't leave our hearts.
* Compare/contrast: In Islam the Kaaba stone/rock in the house at Mecca is a bethel "house of God" of Allah/Allat.